Using ENSRainbow
Client SDK
ENSRainbow provides an official TypeScript client SDK to simplify integrations with the API. You can find the SDK package at @ensnode/ensrainbow-sdk.
The SDK provides a simple, type-safe interface for all API endpoints and handles proper formatting of labelhashes and error handling.
Heal Label
The labelhash
parameter must be strictly formatted as a “normalized labelhash” according to these requirements:
- Must start with ‘0x’
- Must be exactly 66 characters long (including ‘0x’ prefix)
- Must be lowercase
- Must be a valid hex string that converts to exactly 32 bytes
For example, this is a valid “normalized labelhash”:
These would be invalid:
# Too short0xaf2c# Not lowercase0xAF2CAA1C2CA1D027F1AC823B529D0A67CD144264B2789FA2EA4D63A67C7103CC# Missing 0x prefixaf2caa1c2ca1d027f1ac823b529d0a67cd144264b2789fa2ea4d63a67c7103cc
Successful request:
Terminal window curl
{"status": "success","label": "vitalik"} -
Invalid labelhash format:
Terminal window curl
{"status": "error","error": "Invalid labelhash - must be a valid hex string","errorCode": 400} -
Label not found:
Terminal window curl
{"status": "error","error": "Label not found","errorCode": 404}
Note on returned labels: The service returns labels exactly as they appear in the source data. This means:
- Labels may or may not be ENS-normalized
- Labels can contain any valid string, including dots, null bytes, or be empty
- Clients should handle all possible string values appropriately
Error Responses:
400 Bad Request
: When the labelhash parameter is missing or invalid{"status": "error","error": "Invalid labelhash - must be a valid hex string","errorCode": 400} -
404 Not Found
: When no label is found for the given labelhash{"status": "error","error": "Label not found","errorCode": 404}
Get Count of Healable Labels
Success Response:
{ "status": "success", "count": 133856894, "timestamp": "2024-01-30T11:18:56Z"}
Health Check
Response: {"status":"ok"}
NameHash Labs Hosted Instance
Important: While we provide a freely available hosted instance for the ENS community, we strongly recommend running your own ENSRainbow instance alongside ENSNode in your infrastructure. Co-locating these services on the same local network significantly improves indexing performance.